
One-on-One Home Schooling at Davis Educational Learning Centers located in Toluca Lake Village and Montrose Village is flexible alternative to traditional school. We provide an individualized, nurturing program that allows every student to succeed.
Our K-8 program uses a fully accredited project-based curriculum. Our High School program 9-12 uses a fully accredited program and instructs students in core academic subjects, such as language arts, history, math, science, and languages. Students are taught one-on-one to accommodate learning style, processing speed, and social-emotional needs.
Our program offers several options based on the student’s needs. Our full-time program specializes in students with learning differences and social-emotional difficulties. We also accommodate students with athletic and artistic pursuits. Additionally, we support students with a need for part-time support and individual courses (credits) required to graduate.
Renee Davis M.A., Educational Therapist, Certified California Credentialed teacher, and Director of Homeschool Program. Additionally, all instructors are educational therapists and highly trained academic specialists. We are a small team of dedicated educators.
Students attend one-on one classes Monday through Friday.
Homework Club (K-6) and the Academic Lounge (7-12) are available Monday through Thursday (optional). Students work independently and in small groups. Highly trained teacher(s), provide executive functioning strategies, homework support, and teach mini-lessons.
Extra-Curricular Activities:
Our program is designed for families to schedule their own activities such as sports, yoga, art, music, and theater. We recommend organizations that we feel support our philosophy and community. This is a requirement for high school transcripts.
Outside Professionals:
We can recommend Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, and Occupational Therapist that support our philosophy and community.
Our K-8 program uses a fully accredited project-based curriculum. Our High School program 9-12 uses a fully accredited program and instructs students in core academic subjects, such as language arts, history, math, science, and languages. Students are taught one-on-one to accommodate learning style, processing speed, and social-emotional needs.
Our program offers several options based on the student’s needs. Our full-time program specializes in students with learning differences and social-emotional difficulties. We also accommodate students with athletic and artistic pursuits. Additionally, we support students with a need for part-time support and individual courses (credits) required to graduate.
Renee Davis M.A., Educational Therapist, Certified California Credentialed teacher, and Director of Homeschool Program. Additionally, all instructors are educational therapists and highly trained academic specialists. We are a small team of dedicated educators.
Students attend one-on one classes Monday through Friday.
Homework Club (K-6) and the Academic Lounge (7-12) are available Monday through Thursday (optional). Students work independently and in small groups. Highly trained teacher(s), provide executive functioning strategies, homework support, and teach mini-lessons.
Extra-Curricular Activities:
Our program is designed for families to schedule their own activities such as sports, yoga, art, music, and theater. We recommend organizations that we feel support our philosophy and community. This is a requirement for high school transcripts.
Outside Professionals:
We can recommend Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, and Occupational Therapist that support our philosophy and community.